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Through Your Child's Eyes: American Sign Language
Título Original: Through Your Child's Eyes: American Sign Language
Realização: D.J. Kurs
Distribuição: California State University
Data: 2011



This movie was created from the vision of the California Department of Education and California State University, Northridge. Funding provided by the Annenberg Foundation.

Research tells us:

- All babies benefit from sign language. Thousands of hearing babies learn to sign before they talk. ASL is a language for the whole family and community.
- Vision is the natural pathway for brain cognition, connections and language acquisition for deaf and hard of hearing children. It taps into the child’s strengths.
- ASL supports the development of written and spoken English and other languages.
- Children can easily acquire and use more than one language at the same time.
- ASL is one of the most widely used languages in the United States.
- Time is of the essence. Infancy is a critical period for language access and language acquisition. But it’s never too late – hearing people of all ages can learn ASL.


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